Aref Maksoud, Hayder Basel Al-Beer, Aseel Ali Hussien, Samir Dirar, Emad Mushtaha, Moohammed Wasim Yahia


Introduction: With the rapid development in computational design, both architectural design and representation processes have witnessed a revolutionary change from the analog to the digital medium, opening new doors for adaptability in the architectural design process by leveraging nature concepts in design. The computational design approach starts with the mathematical model definition based on numerical relations and equations, thus, replacing the standard visual representation. Purpose of the study: We aimed to integrate computational design technologies to create self-learning buildings that could adapt to environmental challenges and adjust accordingly by collecting data from the surrounding environment via the implementation of sensors. Methods: We started with extensive research on state-of-the-art computational design in architecture, followed by the design implementation and the implementation of the architectural design of a building. The design followed a parametric approach to design and strategies. An algorithm was developed with Grasshopper Scripting to generate documents that mimic the growth process of cellular bone structures and adapt that form to a selected project site. To ensure that the generated form is adaptable, we performed multiple analyses, such as sunlight, radiation, and shadow analysis, before selecting the form and finishing its development. The results show that an environmentally responsive form that extends from the surrounding environment is characterized by high levels of adaptability. Results: In the course of the study, the effectiveness of computational design technologies in architecture was established.


computational design; Grasshopper; parametric design; architecture; adaptive design.

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