Manifestation of “Indochinese style” in Hanoi’s architecture in 1920–1950s

Svetozar Zavarikhin, Nam Giang Tran


In parallel to the avant-garde development of Western architecture in the 1920s, the architecture in Vietnam developed into the “Indochinese style”, and it became eclectic at its genesis and synthesized specific forms of the architecture of the West and Southeast Asia. In Vietnam, this style combined elements and principles of the national and, to a great extent, the French architecture. The purpose of this article is to identify development patterns, the essence and manifestation of this style in the area of Hanoi from the 1920s till the 1950s. The goal is to be achieved through examining the architecture of specific public, residential and cult and sacred objects.


“Indochinese style”, architecture of Hanoi, public buildings, residential buildings, cult and sacred buildings, Ernest Hebrard, Arthur Kruze

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