Rajeev Garg, Anoop K. Sharma, Mohammad Arif Kamal


Introduction: It is clear that there is a gap between academic knowledge and professional practice in the field of architecture. Based on feedback from the industry, recent graduates lack the required skills, technical knowledge, and professional competencies. To keep pace with the rapidly changing technological scenario, the entire curriculum and syllabus of undergraduate (UG) level architectural education in India need restructuring and revision with reference to the contents to be taught and technical skills to be gained. In the past few years, student enrollment in UG-level architecture programs in India has declined, whereas demand projected experiences an upward movement. Purpose of the study: We aimed to restructure architectural education post COVID-19 pandemic with reference to professional practice and market expectations. For that purpose, we needed to review various aspects of higher education, the current scenario, and graduate attributes and reformulate those in terms of architectural education. It has become imperative to strengthen architectural education, especially post COVID-19 crisis. Prospective future professionals should be trained to meet the construction industry expectations while continuing their independent lifelong learning to ensure their global acceptability. Methods: The study methodology involves a market survey to analyze the current situation and determine construction industry expectations for recent graduates of architecture programs. The survey covered representatives of academia and construction industry professionals. Results and Discussion: The findings show that there is potential for restructuring the architectural education curriculum to both suit the educational purpose and meet the industry expectations. Its restructuring with a fresh approach will help architecture students learn more thoroughly how to become professionals ready to work in the Indian market as well as accept the global challenges presented by changing technology. The outcome of this study is presented in the form of a simple model curriculum, which can be adopted by institutions imparting architectural education.


Architectural education, curriculum design, post COVID-19 education, architects, market-ready professionals, construction industry expectations, B. Arch. model curriculum.

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