Aleksandr Chernykh, Dmitry Korolkov, Denis Nizhegorodtsev, Tatiana Kazakevich, Shirali Mamedov


Introduction: The paper addresses the issue of using regression equations to determine the residual operating life of structures made of wood of various species in high humidity conditions. Purpose of the study: The study is aimed at deriving general equations for calculation of the ultimate life of wooden structures using univariate regression equations for subsequent calculation of the residual operating life (option 1), or equations for immediate calculation of the residual operating life (option 2). Methods: Univariate regression equations are used: linear, logarithmic, seconddegree polynomial, power, exponential, natural exponential, and hyperbolic. Results: The authors derive general equations for calculation of the ultimate life of wooden structures for subsequent calculation of the residual operating life (option 1), and equations for immediate calculation of the residual operating life (option 2), presenting advantages and disadvantages of both options. They propose an algorithm to process the obtained results in case the calculation is carried out using several equations at once. The authors also present an example of calculating the residual operating life using the second option. Discussion: Based on the proposed relationships, it is possible to determine the residual operating life of any wooden structures under any operating conditions.


Residual operating life, regression equations, wooden structures, humidity

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ISSN: 2500-0055