Nura B. Hamad, Salahaddin Y. Baper


Introduction: Architecture is a discipline distinguished through diversity, message transmission, and communication. Purpose of the study: A notable phenomenon has been noticed in Erbil: most of the units in the typical housing complexes started to redesign or change the facade characteristics. These changes were the result of the psychological trait of aesthetic preference. This study aims to analyze aesthetic preference parameters to identify communicative action using the Habermas model of communicative action. The analysis of the effective factors contributed to the understanding of these changes. Methods: The methodology of this study combines case study formal analysis and a proper questionnaire survey. A statistical analysis of the obtained results was used to formulate research objectives. Results: Five parameters derived from the theoretical framework (unity, scale, color, proportion, and balance) serve as elements and principles of design that affect the aesthetics. As a result, the study concludes that unity, proportion, and balance are the main factors to create a pleasing aesthetic appearance on the house facades.


communicative action, aesthetic preferences, diversity, residential complex, facade house, design principle

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