Anna Yunitsyna, Ilda Sadrija


Introduction: The study is focused on the analysis of the energy performance of mass-housing residential buildings in Albania and further evaluation of the opportunities for energy retrofit of these buildings. Currently, in Albania, energy performance evaluation is mandatory for newly constructed buildings, but there are no approaches that would address the existing building stock. Methods: The goal of this study is to evaluate apartment buildings of the communist period in Tirana and Shkodra and apply a number of passive and active retrofit strategies, which are appropriate in the Mediterranean climate conditions. Results and Discussion: Improvement of thermal conductivity and energy balance can be achieved through the additional insulation of the buildings’ walls and roofs and window replacement, installation of photovoltaic panels and energy-efficient lighting. The application of passive strategies reduces energy losses in Tirana by 56% and in Shkodra — by 57%. Conclusions: Installation of photovoltaic panels can meet cooling and lighting demands during the warm period; however, their contribution during the wintertime is insufficient to satisfy heating demands.


apartment building retrofit, building energy performance, energy efficiency, photovoltaic systems, energy balance

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