Yuriy Kazakov, Aleksandr Birjukov


Previously understudied new structural and technological concepts of various types of modern suspended ventilated facades (SVF) applicable in Russia by 2017 were researched by a system and analysis method to determine their advantages and disadvantages. Theoretical bases and the algorithm for the development of the optimal technological solution for the installation of SVF were worked out with the aid of the methods of multi-criteria optimization. The structure and the operating sequence were substantiated for the rational technology of integrated mechanized process of SVF elements installation. Alternate improved technological solutions were developed for installation of heat insulating, framing and facing SVF elements with the account of the most important optimality criteria. These criteria include minimum labor intensity and machine time, minimum cost, enhanced quality and safety.
Effects of the most important factors related to labor intensity and cost improvement of construction operations as well as increase of SVF useful life under various building conditions were defined and substantiated by experimental construction of residential buildings with SVF facing.
With the aid of the methods of alternate technological design and multi-criteria optimization, 4 optimized variants of technological solutions for installation of thermal insulation, frame and facing elements in SVF systems were developed with the account of the 4 most important consumer optimality criteria: minimum labor intensity and machine time, minimum cost, enhanced quality, maximum quality and safety. The scientific significance of the results is that the major factors affecting optimization of technological modes of various SVF designs were identified and studied. Their use allows reducing the labor intensity of works to 0.55–1.79 man-shift per 1 sq. m of facade area.


Front elevation, assembling, labour inputs, optimization, ventilation

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