Omar Moustafa Alomari, A M Faten Albtoush, Mohammad Al-Rawashdeh


Introduction: Everyone, regardless of culture, seeks a dwelling that provides comfort and safety at an affordable cost. Many countries worldwide have witnessed increased demand for residential buildings due to population growth. However, because of the economic conditions that most countries suffer from, the search for low-cost housing without compromising the quality of construction and materials has become extremely essential. Low-cost construction meets the demand for cost-effective design solutions without prejudice to quality. Purpose of the study: We aimed to determine the applicability of building materials and technologies used in low-cost construction. Methods: In the course of the study, we thoroughly reviewed literature sources addressing low-cost construction. Results: Based on the review, we determined six strategies of low-cost construction: effective planning, use of low-cost materials, use of environmentally-friendly materials, use of cost-efficient construction techniques, use of available alternative construction methods, and sustainable community through involvement and training. All over the world, knowledge exchange and technology development within local societies are considered techniques that reduce the cost of buildings at the expense of local manpower. We recommend governments to enhance the involvement of local resources by developing training programs in cooperation with local communities. Besides, governments should provide opportunities for the application of environmentally-friendly construction materials and encourage their use. This study will help researchers delve deeper into the issues and obstacles occurring in low-cost construction.


low-cost construction, sustainability, environmentally-friendly materials.

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