Valentin Ushkov, Ruslan Ibragimov, Oleg Figovsky, Svetlana Samchenko


Introduction. The service life of reinforced-concrete structures can be increased with the use of effective repair compositions obtained by activating the original components. Purpose of the study: We aimed to develop effective repair compounds obtained by activating the original components. Methods: To process the original components, low-temperature non-equilibrium plasma (LTNP) and electromagnetic activation in a vortex layer device were used. In the course of the study, we used polypropylene, steel, glass, and basalt fiber and fiber made of structured ferromagnetic microwire. Electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis were applied. Results: It was established that the combined use of the above methods for the modification of raw components makes it possible to improve the strength of these materials by more than 50%, which is due to the characteristics of structure formation in the developed compositions. For instance, LTNP increases the amount of portlandite and reduces the main phases of cement stone — C3S and β-C2S, and vortex activation contributes to an increase in the total number of crystalline phases. Quartz powder particles processed in an electromagnetic mill are characterized by layered structure, high surface roughness, large developed cracking, as well as inclusions as a result of impact action. All that improves the physical and mechanical properties of the resulting repair compositions by an average of 20%. Repair compositions additionally treated with plasma modification feature new hydrated formations on quartz grains.


activation, fiber, plasma, vortex layer.

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