ancient architectural structures, preservation of their historical appearance, and adaptation to new functions constitute an important step forward towards that goal. Considering the situation with cultural heritage sites in Ryazan, we should note that the city really needs such measures. Many historical, cultural, and architectural monuments have been lost and continue to be destroyed because of incompetent interference with their architectural-and-planning structure (demolition, unauthorized reconstruction, etc.). Purpose of the study: We aimed to describe the specifics of the preservation, restoration, and adaptation of cultural and historical heritage sites to modern needs. Methods: In the course of the study, we used a systemic approach, analyzed various sources and materials on the restoration and protection of historical and architectural monuments. Results: In the paper, we consider a particular example from the architectural practice of adapting a part of an ancient structure to modern use. The paper gives a brief historical background and information on the structures and materials used, discusses methods and technological solutions, analyzes design solutions. Based on the results of the works conducted, we determine issues of adapting a recognized cultural heritage site to modern living conditions and using it in a new capacity in accordance with the applicable regulatory documents. When facing the issue of adapting historical buildings that have lost their original function, it is necessary to perform works without changing their protected features. Within the framework of cultural heritage site preservation, a concept has been developed to serve as the basis for its conversion and operation as a cafe.
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