Andrey Belyaev, Elena Kuts, Vladimir Shabalin


Introduction: Fresh water suitable for water supply has been depleted due to production activities. Thus, closed water supply cycles are required at civil infrastructure facilities. The quality of water must meet the requirements on its use for various purposes. It is common knowledge that water is essential in providing adequate health and sanitary conditions for the public. Therefore, issues of water treatment remain in the focus of researchers. Water disinfection is one of the mandatory methods used in water purification and treatment. Currently, chlorination is still the main technology for water disinfection. However, it is responsible for toxic, carcinogenic, and other types of negative effects on the human body. In this paper, we consider the use of oligodynamic solutions as a new, rapidly-developing direction in water treatment. In the course of our study, we addressed a method of swimming pool water disinfection using units of oligodynamic synthesis and examined the results of treated water quality analyses. Methods: The study was based on the statistical analysis of water quality indicators in pools with water treated with silver and copper ions. The analysis made it possible to determine the hygienic safety and reliability of products. To assess hygienic safety and reliability, we analyzed the composition and properties of the product (oligodynamic solution) as well as the composition and concentration of impurities in pool water and determined if the disinfecting properties of water are preserved and proper levels of copper and silver ions (not exceeding MAC) in pool water are maintained. Results: The paper provides a rationale for procedures to analyze and determine the safety and reliability of small-scale units producing disinfection solutions to ensure optimal swimming conditions in swimming pools. Discussion: The obtained results indicate that it is expedient to apply oligodynamic water treatment to ensure the hygienic safety and reliability of swimming pools. The technology suggested fully meets the requirements of sanitary regulations on water quality.


Water quality indicators, oligodynamic solutions, oligodynamic synthesis units, hygienic safety and reliability.

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