Emad Al Dein Hasan Al Fahmawee


Introduction: There is a large gap in the studies and literature dealing with the concept of denotations and connotations in Islamic architecture, whether in terms of a purely geometric or artistic and aesthetic aspect. However, studies addressing these works from the ideological point of view and inferring values are scarce. This gap is a direct result of the problematic method of reading the Islamic artistic plane and its visual reading tools. Purpose of the study: We aimed is to reduce the gap between many European and Muslim researchers in understanding the symbolic connotations of various elements and the aesthetics of abstract vision in the apparent form focusing on the “spiritual component”, and relate to the conscience of the Muslim and his mind without the need for stereotypical visual representation. Methodology: By adopting semiotics as a tool for modern criticism in reading and implicit analysis of the Islamic architectural text, we linked it with the fixed ideological component present in every place and at any time — the spiritual content. Approach: In the course of the study, we interpreted analytical and implicit reading of some Islamic architectural elements and their symbolic connotations. Results: We discuss three design trends that recently appeared in the Islamic world: the direct copying of traditional elements, the contemporary trend, and distinguishing and innovating new design elements based on traditional symbolic connotations. Novelty: Contemporary buildings have lost their identity and value and have turned into soulless creatures. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the need for returning to cultural and architectural artistic heritage and benefiting from it in finding new and contemporary design solutions using modern digital technical means.


Semiotics, Islamic architectural arts, denotations, connotations, implicit critique, symbolization, abstraction, visual text.

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