Problem of accident reconstruction mechanism using parameters of braking process of two-wheeled motor vehicles

Stanislav Evtyukov, Grigory Ginzburg, Ilya Brylev


Increase in the number of two-wheeled motor vehicles (motorcycles, vehicles of category L3) is observed in the traffic of almost all countries in the world. That is why the number of victims and people seriously injured in the road traffic accidents (RTA) has considerably increased. The majority of RTA is the result of many factors which form together sets of different causes and effects. Identification of actual reasons having led to a traffic accident, as well as their attendant circumstances, is one of the most important tasks in ensuring traffic safety. On the one hand, configurations of two-wheeled motor vehicles have been significantly improved over the last decades, so it is necessary to align the analytical apparatus of estimating parameters of the braking process with these configurations. On the other hand, the current practice of expert analysis and settlement of accidents still involves estimation of increase in braking time and steady deceleration of motorcycles manufactured domestically during the past years, which hardly participate in the modern traffic due to their age. Both of these circumstances require review and adjustment, as well as formation of an updated basis of estimate for assessment of braking processes of two-wheeled motor vehicles in order to increase the reliability of RTA examination and determine compliance or non-compliance of driver’s actions with the requirements of traffic rules, establish the causes of accidents, evaluate a technical capability of a driver of the two-wheeled motor vehicle to prevent the accident. Settlement of all these issues can be provided by effective methods of calculation (quantitative) assessment, which are not available at the present moment.


technical expertise of vehicles; two-wheeled motor vehicles; calculation of speed; deceleration

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