Oksana Medvedeva, Tatyana Sautkina


Introduction: Building information modeling is currently intensively used in the construction industry, helping to automate design processes starting from the development of drawings and ending with the BOM preparation. BIM technologies are useful in the design and development of documentation for various design sections (heating, ventilation, outdoor gas and water supply systems) as they make it possible to avoid project mistakes. Purpose of the study: The paper is aimed to review the specifics of developing information models for utilities and analyze issues arising in the course of design. Methods: In the present paper, methods of theoretical research are used. Results: The authors studied mechanisms of information modeling for utilities, identified issues arising during design documentation development, and suggested methods of solving staffing problems.


information modeling, BIM platform, utilities, technologies, innovations

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23968/2500-0055-2019-4-3-13-21


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ISSN: 2500-0055