Nikolay Smirnov


Road construction is a number of activities including engineering, actual construction of road pavements, as well
as maintenance and repair of roads of various purposes. An important area in intensification and acceleration of
scientific progress in road construction is a wide use of construction and road machines. Road machines are designed
to mechanize road construction works.
Maximum road construction mechanization is reached by using special road equipment including dozens of machine
types. Use of special equipment reduces the share of manual labor (used only for patch work) and prime cost of road
construction. The article discusses types of road construction machines most frequently used in dismantling of road
pavements (road grader, excavator, loader, tractor, bulldozer and recycler), their purpose and specifics.


Construction machines, design, equipment, road

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23968/2500-0055-2018-3-2-54-60


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ISSN: 2500-0055