Michael Vilenskii, Ksenia Veretennikova


This article touches upon the relevant issue connected with a world-wide tendency to the development of territories around airports. Development directions of the Pulkovo Airport and its adjacent territories in Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad Region are considered. Core activities concentrating in airport zones and factors conditioning their attraction to these zones are revealed. The notion of an airport environ is disclosed and introduced. The research defines the urban-planning and economic factors which allow carrying out the economic regulation in zones adjacent to airports and their influence on the spatial development of such territories.
The assessment of a change in the land value in the Pulkovo environ during its commercial development and the analysis of factors which form this value are given in the article. A number of problems of territories, which are under influence of the Pulkovo Airport, are revealed. Relying on results of the world experience analysis, authors note that the development of territories, located in the zone under influence of the Pulkovo Airport, shall take place in accordance with the single concept of the urban planning which does not depend on the administrative belonging of the territory and takes into account long-term strategic tasks and tools of the effective management.


Airport, Pulkovo, airport environs, aerotropolis, strategy, airport development zones

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