A relevant technique for calculating tangential stresses is required, which takes into account climatic and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site. In this article, an attempt is made to reveal those aspects of originating and development of tangential frost heave stresses, which would allow carrying out their calculation. To solve this problem, the existing research experience, features of the cryogenic structure, mechanical and stress-strain behavior of frozen soils were analyzed. A relationship of tangential frost heave stresses with specific cohesion and moisture of frozen soil was revealed on the basis of the analysis.
A point of view, according to which tangential frost heave stresses are a result of maximum compressive heave stresses, directed along the normal to the lateral surface of the foundation, was emphasized too; this allowed relating tangential heave stresses with the frozen soil deformation modulus. Based on the above statements, formulas for calculating tangential frost heave stresses were obtained. The calculation method for determining these stresses would provide the possibility of designing cost-effective and safe structures in areas with the severe climate.
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