amount of information that surrounds us with sociological, cultural and economic aspects, have changed the relationship
between the perceiver and the context. The perceiver takes part of space, surrounding it, finding new ways to
understand it and new ar-chive systems of the information he may acquire.
Through digital survey and the use of skilled software, the elements and the relationships of the contemporaneity
become networked and accessible to the public. The database in which all the data acquired is collected, permits an
extraction of useful information for the orientation in space. This possibility allows the under-standing of the relationship
between elements and an ever-growing conscious approach to the project. Through digitization, the virtual environment
can be preserved. This paper describes an innovative methodology that links the complexity of the databases (for the
management of ur-ban and architectural systems) with representation systems and three-dimensional space archives.
Some experimental researches conducted explain ways in which one can create virtual databases. These instruments can become narrative path systems where the user can find and interface with the elements of space, in a more conscious, critical and structured approach.
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