Studies of Application Conditions of In-floor Convectors With Natural Air Circulation in Water Heating Systems

Viktor Pukhkal


To prevent the intake of downward cold air flow from translucent structures into the room serving area, convectors with natural convection, embedded in floor construction, are used. A test bench was manufactured for studies of heating systems with in-floor heaters with natural convection; studies of convector heat flow with various options of heating element arrangement in the installation box was conducted: from the room side right against the box wall; from the side of glazing right against the box wall; arrangement of a heating element in the center of the box. The studies were carried out at various distances from glazing to the convector. Simulation of convector operation was performed with ANSYS Fluent 14.5. program. Application conditions of in-floor convectors with natural air circulation were determined.


heating, in-floor convector, natural convection

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ISSN: 2500-0055