Leonid Lavrov, Elena Molotkova


Introduction: Using the example of the Maritime Facade project being implemented, a gap is revealed between the strategic installations of the St. Petersburg development, defined by the city planning system and enshrined in the master plan of the city, and the real transformation of the architectural environment of Vasilyevsky Island. Purpose of the study: Identify the most significant omissions made during the implementation and repeated adjustments of the original concept. Methods: A comparative analysis of the key provisions of the initial concept and indicators of the currently formed urban environment. Results: An underestimation of a radical change in the urban development situation in the city center caused by the laying of a high-speed highway on the western part of Vasilyevsky Island was revealed. peripheral territories, does not allow it to solve the problems of the development of a highly urbanized environment arising in this process. The facts are outlined, showing how a consistent adjustment of the original concept created the basis for the formation of a peripheral-type residential living quarters in the unique coastal zone and the laying of a suburban-type autobahn. The list of measures that could reduce the associated negative impact on residential areas is defined. It is noted that the negative experience of the project "Marine Facade" in St. Petersburg should be taken into account in the urban planning practice of other metropolises of our country.


Saint Petersburg architecture, urban planning, water areas and coastal territories, city center and transport framework.

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