Qiaofeng Shen, Chen Shen, Xun Liu, Yuan Jia, Jia Qian


Introduction: With consideration for extensive standardized detection and monitoring data, multi-source data fusion analysis and comparison were implemented at cross-project and inter-regional levels to provide robust data support for the full life-cycle management of metro civil facilities. The purpose of the study was to integrate detection and monitoring data on metro bridges and tunnel structures and address the significant data isolation issue in existing systems and various units. Based on big data and Internet of Things technology, this paper investigates the standardized format of uploading, storage, processing, sharing, and other types of managing detection and monitoring data on metro bridges and tunnel structures. Additionally, a third-party data standardization and visualization platform for bridges and tunnel structures was developed, ensuring integration of detection and monitoring data fusion. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis and software system development. As a result, the practicability and feasibility of the platform were verified through practical applications.


metro civil facilities, big data platform, detection and monitoring, data standardization, integrated analysis

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