Burcu Erdal, Çiğdem Tekin


Introduction: The architectural demands of the near future will have very different characteristics from those of the recent past. With the change in means of communication and transportation, the possibilities of rapid relocation and easy communication have altered many concepts and traditions associated with place. This change will alter the utilization and scale of space. Architecture is undergoing significant changes with Industry 4.0. The consumer of the near future who will demand this today is Generation Z. In parallel, the architectural environment has inherited many environmental problems that started in the recent past and continue to increase in severity. In this rapid change/transformation, environmental problems require sustainable solutions that can be in harmony with nature, which is much more natural than developing technology.
The basis of this study is using shipping containers as a sustainable solution and determining the approach of Generation Z as changing consumers to this solution. The study aims to determine how Generation Z, living in Turkey, evaluates the use of shipping containers as an alternative to housing. Methods: In the course of the study, a survey was conducted with participants who are both members of Generation Z and architecture students. The purposive sampling method was used in the research.


shipping container house; sustainable architecture; generations; Gen Z

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