Georgia Thermou

Dr Thermou is currently a Marie Curie Individual Fellow at the Civil and Structural Engineering Department of the University of Sheffield.

Dr Thermou has 15 years of research experience and her research interests include seismic design and technology of RC structures, assessment and retrofitting of existing RC structures, repair / strengthening of RC members with traditional and innovative materials and study of shear transfer mechanisms along concrete interfaces. She has worked as a full time researcher in 2 European (SAFERR, SPEAR) and 4 Hellenic research projects. She has published 70 papers in peer reviewed journals, special volumes and conferences. She is currently involved in Cost Actions TUD 1207, 1303, 1402, 1406. She is also a member of fib Task Group 5.1 “FRP reinforcement for concrete structures”. Dr Thermou participates as a member in the Technical Committee 67 of the Hellenic Body for Standardisation (ELOT) in the Working Groups of “Eurocode 2” and “Fiber reinforced polymer structures”.
