Introduction: Outdoor parking lots have been a common and cost-effective solution for private mobility in European social housing districts built between the 1960s and 1980s, but this solution has significant, particularly environmental and spatial, impacts. The future of urban mobility requires changes to an electrified community model, based on shared vehicle fleets. Purpose of the study: We aimed to analyze the transport, social, and environmental improvements of a smart multi-functional micro-hub for neighborhoods — a theoretical proposal designed to facilitate the transition toward a decarbonized city. Methods: The literature is therefore reviewed and a case study of the city of Malaga is provided. Results: On the one hand, the findings show the environmental, economic, and spatial advantages of this model compared to traditional underground parking lots. On the other hand, the paper proposes the design characteristics that could be adopted by a particular type of buildings and their urban space. Finally, the paper discusses the implications of setting up a citywide network of micro-hubs and the ensuing benefits.
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