Aondowase John Shiwua, Yuri Rutman


A methodology for assessing the seismic input energy into structure (building) from earthquake (or seismic) excitation is proposed. The procedure is based on the energy balance of the structure and employs the earthquake intensity characteristic known as the specific energy density (SED) to estimate the maximum input energy. This energy is evaluated for the portion of earthquake record (accelerogram) where strong ground motion occurs (the interval between 5-95% accumulations of the Arias intensity). Comparison of the proposed approach in this paper and other proposals for assessing seismic input energy as a basis for energy-based seismic design methodology is presented. Since a critical condition to realize an energy-based seismic design is that the structure should have a rational relationship between damage/energy absorbed, the procedure establishes a relation between the seismic input energy into structure and strain, total cyclic displacement and low cycle fatigue. Seismic input energy obtained using this procedure is compared with results from other methods for assessment of seismic input energy. The procedure can useful especially, at the initial stage of design to provide the desired ductility to structure since it allows for evaluating the maximum input energy into structural system from any seismic excitation without recourse to dynamic analysis.


energy-based method, displacement, low-cycle fatigue, seismic excitations, seismic input energy, strain

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