Olga Tretiakova


Introduction: In recent years, houses out of vertical squared timber have become widespread. Vertical bars make it
possible to use the effective wood behavior in compression and ensure maximum strength of the material along the
fibers. Vertical bars are subject to compression with bending, which can result in loss of strength and buckling in building structures. In the available research papers and technical literature, the issue of the stress-strain state of such walls has not been analyzed. The purpose of this study was to formulate a calculation method for walls out of vertical squared timber, based on the available traditional approaches to wooden structures. We propose a calculation method for walls out of vertical squared timber as a set of elements resisting compression with bending, including a check for limiting slenderness. Results: Permissible heights of walls for buildings with bays of 10 and 12 m were obtained. The results can be used in the design of low-rise residential and public buildings, mansard superstructures of multi-story buildings.


Vertical squared timber, stress-strain state, compression, bending.

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