Arestak Sarukhanyan, Garnik Vermishyan


Introduction: This paper studies the frequency with which hydrodynamic parameters change in the sudden expansion section of axisymmetric pressure flow, based on the boundary layer equations. Methods: The suggested method reveals the regularity of changes in the hydrodynamic parameters of the flow in the transitional area, making it possible to obtain a velocity profile in any cross-section under common initial and boundary conditions. Based on the general solutions, we studied the hydrodynamic processes occurring in the transitional area of the effective sudden cross-section expansion within the axisymmetric pressure movement, in the following cases: a) when the velocity is constant at any point of the inlet face; b) when the velocity is distributed along the inlet face according to the parabolic law. Our calculations were carried out for different values of the expansion factor. Results: Based on the results of the computer-aided experimental study, we obtained velocity diagrams along the length of the transitional area with constant and parabolic velocity distributions for fluid inflowing into the expanded section. We also determined the patterns of pressure distribution along the length of the relevant section.


Transitional area, effective cross-section, sudden expansion, velocity, distribution.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23968/2500-0055-2021-6-4-63-71


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