Andrei Naumov, Aleksandr Dolzhencko, Maria Krutilova, Nikolay Simonov


Introduction: The paper analyzes an experimental load-bearing structure of hybrid cast-in-place and precast lowrise residential buildings using wall panels with polymer tube confined concrete elements. Due to the improvement of design and process solutions, it is possible to decrease the cost, reduce the material and resource intensity of individual housing construction, ensuring structural safety and long life of such buildings. Methods: The authors propose a method of manufacturing wall panels, involving industrial production of retained formworks made of polymer tubes and oriented strand board, as well as their subsequent assembly and concreting at a construction site. Results and discussion: Results of the study were provided to the New Technologies and Materials in Construction interdepartmental team of the Belgorod Region Department of Construction and Transport. The proposed method is recommended for testing at sites of individual housing construction in the Belgorod agglomeration, including construction financed from the budget.


Polymer tube confined concrete, tube confined concrete, retained formwork, frame construction, lightweight concrete.

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