Thai Nguyen, Antonina Yudina


Introduction: The quality control system for construction and installation operations pursues six objectives: completion on time; completion on budget; compliance with the design documents, codes, and standards; safe operations; improvement of skills and experience; environment protection. Purpose of the study: To evaluate reliability of the objectives, correlation between them, and ranking of their priorities within the quality control system for construction and installation operations in Vietnam. Methods: The objectives were evaluated by means of a questionnaire survey conducted in Vietnam, using a five-level scale, based on the reliability coefficient α, correlation coefficient r and mean value М. The sample size was 184. Results: According to the results of the questionnaire survey conducted in Vietnam, homogeneity and correlation between the following objectives was observed: compliance with the design documents, codes, and standards; safe operations; improvement of skills and experience; completion on time; completion on budget; environment protection. The objectives were ranked between two groups of respondents by their experience and roles based on the sample size.


Quality control, construction, system, construction and installation operations, Vietnam.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.23968/2500-0055-2019-4-2-27-32


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