Seyed Mohammad Mousavi, Shariyeh Hosseininasab, Waqas Ahmed Mahar


Introduction: Buffer zones in the context of World Heritage sites play an important role in protecting historic monuments and buildings, as well as their adjacent conservation areas, from disruptions caused by urban development. However, properties within the boundaries of buffer zones may be subject to legislative limitations and restricted construction regulations. This may affect the market value of these properties and make them unfavorable for public and private investors. Purpose of the study: The study aims to critically analyze the impact of buffer zone policy on urban development, specifically on the land value and the quality of the built environment in the context of World Heritage sites. The case study for this research is Kampung Jawa (KJ) in the World Heritage City of Melaka, Malaysia. Methods: A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was used to conduct this research. The required data was gathered through direct observations, semi-structured and informal interviews with stakeholders and local authorities, as well as a review of available statistical data and maps. A site observation and a questionnaire survey were conducted to examine all the structures in KJ. Results: The research findings revealed that the low land value of buffer zones might be caused by several context-specific conditions, eventually turning them into greyfields. The research recommends a design solution for the area. The research also suggests that certain decisions at the policy-making level, including the involvement of all stakeholders, can be the key to improving the land value and property market within buffer zones.


buffer zone; World Heritage sites; land value; grey field; Malaysia

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