Almaz Valiev, Irina Starovoitova, Alfred Suleymanov


Introduction. The study of the adhesive strength formation mechanisms in polymer composites involves the deliberate selection of components to facilitate their joint action in transferring stresses from the fibers to the binder through the phase interface. The strength of the adhesive interaction between components can be expressed through their energy characteristics, provided technological and other factors are ensured. Purpose of the study: The study aims to investigate the energy characteristics of hybrid polymer composite phases at the air interface. Methods: The optical method was used to capture micrographs of wetting fibers of different nature by liquids, based on which contact angles were determined. Tensile tests of fibers were conducted, and thermal analysis of fibers was performed using a synchronous thermal analyzer. The surface tension of epoxy resin and the epoxy resin / hardener system was determined using a tensiometer. Results: The method for determining surface energies of solids was upgraded. The upgraded method makes it possible to determine the free surface energy of fibers of different nature and the surface tension of the binder. The effect of oiling compositions (finishing agents) was quantitatively evaluated.


composite, hybrid, adhesion, wetting, adhesion action, free surface energy

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