Brahim Ahmed, Khalfallah Boudjemaa


Introduction: The paper examines the urban transformations that Djelfa underwent over time, from its colonial inception to the present day, characterized by rapid demographic and urban growth as well as excessive consumption of urban space. Purpose of the study: We aimed to study the urban transformations of the city of Djelfa over time, provide a quantitative description of the urban and social characteristics that shape the built environment, and identify the city’s most integrated (easily accessible) and secluded areas. Methods: We utilized the spatial syntax technique to analyze the stages of city development, which is based on modeling city maps into axial maps and quantitatively measuring various factors such as connectivity and integration (Rn). Results: We obtained significant results notably that the historical city center still maintains its importance in terms of easy access, interconnected axes, and chess layout that facilitated its expansion. Additionally, residential neighborhoods, isolated from the rest of the city, emerged at certain periods. Restructuring operations, such as the opening of Mohamed Boudiaf Square in the city center, contributed to increasing connectivity with its neighboring axes.


Urban transformation, colonial city, spatial syntax, Djelfa, connectivity, integration

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