Lyubov Zakrevskaya, Galina Maslova, Elizaveta Repina


Inroduction: Gradual destruction of buildings or structures of historical significance is a natural process that cannot be stopped. Therefore, preservation of architectural monuments is one of the most important areas of restoration activity. Complete replacement of damaged building materials of architectural monuments changes the historical appearance, and thus cultural sites are stripped of their original look. Innovations in the re-creation of historical building materials and technologies help preserve historical continuity. The purpose of the study was to develop a number of compounds of terrazzite plaster mixtures for cultural heritage sites of the 20th century, which, from an aesthetic point of view, will not allow the loss of the natural and picturesque appearance of the monument, and will be able to preserve the “patina of time”. As a result of the research, the authors studied the compositions of the selected samples, proposed restoration compounds of terrazzite plaster, and determined the algorithm for applying an analogue of the historical plaster. In terms of technical and economic indicators, the developed restoration compounds are effective and make it possible to return architectural monuments to their original appearance with minimal costs. Based on the results obtained, conclusions were drawn about the feasibility of using the proposed new components in terrazzite plaster mixtures to increase strength and ensure high-quality adhesion of the old and new plaster layers. The proposed technology contributes to the return of architectural monuments to their original appearance without losing the historical authenticity of the buildings.


terrazzite plaster, restoration of building facades, cultural heritage sites

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