Numan Abu-Hammad


Introduction: This article aims to provide readers with an overview of significant modern architectural approaches to creating sustainable smart city models. Different architectural approaches have piqued the interest of many researchers that study ancient and modern buildings, specifically their characteristics and execution methods. Purpose of the study: Interest toward smart architecture has grown due to the extensive development of technology and its integration into all aspects of human and city life, including the learning environment, the psychological effect of various spaces, and environmental impact. Methods: Architects, designers, engineers, and psychologists alike must consider these key developments and choose approaches to spaces and buildings that properly reflect the smart building philosophy. Many case studies have been adopted in the current investigation. Results: Over the recent years, due to the increasing strain of real estate demands, which led to overcrowding in cities, the need to find the most suitable housing solutions has emerged as a key problem. Architects and researchers are considering the best modern architectural approaches to building a sustainable model for smart cities.


modern architecture; architectural approaches; smart cities; sustainable models; sustainable cities; design; engineering; smart architecture; smart buildings; concrete; facade; finishing materials

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