Andrey Gorev, Olga Gasilova, Boris Sidorov


Introduction: Improving intersection capacity will not be possible without accounting for traffic safety. Purpose of the study: We aim to determine the prerequisite for accident-free traffic at signal-controlled intersections with turning traffic flows. Methods: In our study, we used the methods of observation, comparison, and mathematical analysis. Results: We have carried out a field observation of traffic intensity at signal-controlled intersections in the city of Yekaterinburg, focusing on vehicles that moved when the green light was on. We have also analyzed traffic flow moving in three directions in the same lanes. We have discovered that traffic accident likelihood is the highest (54%) at four-way intersections. Three-way intersections account for 44% of traffic accidents, while the remaining 2% of accidents occur at multi-way intersections. Furthermore, we have determined the additional factors that impact safety in turning traffic flows at intersections. Our study demonstrates that in order to ensure maximum intersection capacity, the duration of the traffic signal cycle must be adjusted with the minimum safe distance between vehicles in mind.


Traffic safety, traffic signal cycle duration, signal-controlled intersection.

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