George C. Manos


Introduction: This is a report of issues relevant to the protection from structural damage that is sustained by various types of structures when subjected to strong earthquake ground motions. Purpose of the study: This study became relevant due to the recent intense earthquake activity to the Greek island of Samos which left its impact on numerous structures of various types. Results and discussion: Initially, a summary is presented discussing the effort that has been made in Greece trying to confront with the consequences of this extreme loading condition to the built environment. Next, a summary report is given for certain types of structures which suffered the most. They include old Christian Greek Orthodox churches as well as other buildings on conservation status. The sustained damage is discussed together with a brief numerical study that tries to simulate numerically the observed behavior. Finally, a brief discussion with relevant conclusions are presented as a result of the observed damage combined with similar observations and studies made during the last decades.


Earthquake structural damage, Christian churches, Cultural heritage, Samos island, Unreinforced masonry structures, Reinforced concrete structures, Numerical simulations.

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