Claudia Cennamo, Concetta Cusano


Introduction: Walking through the streets of the historic center of Naples and taking a glance at the sky, you may notice that its skyline is determined by the countless peculiar architectural elements, the domes precisely, that stand out from the context. Purpose of the study: The study aims to investigate the Neapolitan domes of the 16th and 17th centuries, focusing on the role of geometry and the close relationship between form and stability in the construction of this type of vaulted structures. Methods: Geometric surveys and in-situ investigations are used to define the shape of the domes. The study of the constructive solutions is based on the analysis of the original documents describing the works carried out as well as the analysis of several structural components that constitute the domes. This is related to ancient treatises and comparison, as far as possible, with similar buildings. Finally, to describe the mechanical behavior of these constructions, reference is made to the Modern Limit Analysis Theory developed by J. Heyman and applied to masonry structures in order to determine their degree of safety. Results: The approach set out can help to avoid improper restoration interventions on such historical artefacts. For good restoration work, it is absolutely indispensable to deeply investigate the geometrical and constructive aspects of a building, as well as its mechanical properties, in order to avoid approaches and methods of structural analyses far from the real behavior of these masonry structures.


Baroque, construction history, masonry domes, limit analysis, restoration.

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