Jurij Kotikov


The need to attract the squared speed as the major factor in forming the assessment of the energy intensity of the object motion and the medium resistance is noted. Author’s approach to the calculation of freight rail transport energy efficiency is based on the use of Bartini Criterion L6T-4 and the entity of Transfer with Tran dimensionality. The energy efficiency factor of cargo movement is represented in the form of the ratio between the inevitable dissipation of the cargo movement energy and total costs of the energy supply of transportation, incurred by the railway complex.
As an example, the calculation of Bothnia Line railway complex freight transport energy efficiency was performed. Assessment of the railway complex freight transport energy efficiency at a speed of 120 km/h performed with the use of Transfer equals to η = 15.8 %. This allows assessing the technological paradigm of the railway transport as very far from the perfection.


Rail transport, squared speed, Transfer, Tran, energy efficiency, life cycle

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