According to the results of theoretical and experimental studies, it was ascertained that the saw kerf is the main factor which excludes appearance of lateral cracking in regularized round timber. Taking into account the technological notch, the optimal depth of a saw kerf should not be more than 35% of the round timber cross-section radius.
The absence of visible lateral macro-cracks on exposed surfaces of round timber will improve the appearance of a building and prolong its service life. Macro-cracks appear at the bottom of the technological notch and at the bottom of the saw kerf which serve as stress concentrators. Such stresses occurring due to the hygroscopic moisture gradient along the round timber cross-section radius and anisotropy of wood shrinkage in points with stress concentrators can exceed the limit values upon extension in the tangential direction, wherefore macro-cracks will form in the areas with stress concentrators.
According to estimates, additional energy consumption for making a lateral saw kerf will be 1–2%.
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